Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Drill It

Hello, hello, hello! I hope everyone has been having a great week/start of the semester/start of the best season ever...FALL! I am obsessed with Fall- the changing leaves, the fresh cold air, the return of all things pumpkin, and of course the start of a brand new school year. I don't know about you all, but I love the start of school, especially when all of the clubs and sports start up again. Seeing everyone recollect, recruit, and rehearse really gets me pumped for what is to come. While walking past the football team's practice the other day, and then hearing about their rigorous training schedule, I thought about the concept of practice. If you really want to perfect your craft, you have to put in the time and effort and work on it constantly. So, how does one practice PR?

First thing's first: learn the basics. If you don't know how to write a press release, learn as soon as possible! There are so many great resources online like blogs, tutorials, and articles galore. Practice communicating with people and learn the basics about how to pitch a story without being a walking, talking commercial. Look at different cases today (celebrities, breaking news stories) and analyze them and what tactics were used. Look at events hosted by PR agencies. Also, research these agencies and learn about the different types of PR in today's world. After you feel educated enough to use all of these wonderful skills you've acquired, get working!
I love doing fake drills. For me, this is basically taking either a favorite product and writing a press release for it. I'll write the press release, let it sit for a few hours, and then revisit it. I'll ask someone to read it and see if it engages them, or at least watch their facial expression and see how they react to it. This is what I do on my weekends, ladies and gentlemen: write press releases. Don't judge me. Practice makes perfect!
PR is obviously more than just press releases. I'll often try to verbally pitch the product to someone who I could envision being in the target market. To improve on that, I want to start calling people who aren't physically present- I am still working on my phone skills! I also think about possible events and promotional events I could do with certain products. I'll look up locations, decorations, little details that put that extra flair on an ordinary event and draft them. This, to me, feels like rehearsing what I would do if I ever have to whip up a quickie event- at least I would know where to start.
Another fun drill could be taking a product or idea you do not really like or endorse. PR involves broad, open minds that can absorb the world around them to make a plan. Sometimes it can be interesting to see another perspective and stretch your brain- find the positives and spin the story in your plan's favor.
These drills really help me practice even while I'm still in school. Take it seriously, be consistent, and find your PR style! (Spoiler alert:that's the next post-stay tuned!)
I hope everyone has a great week!


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