Monday, January 27, 2014

Show Me How Big Your Brave Is

Good morning, PR dolls! Today's post is part real-world lesson, part standard Aysha pep talk. Get ready.

I started a new internship last week doing marketing/PR for the business school at my university. I did a similar internship at the same business school last year, so it isn't my first time around this rodeo. Spoiler alert: I love it. Its not just the fact that I have the most inspiring supervisors/mentors within earshot or that I have a group of talented, driven fellow interns. Its the fact that at this internship I feel comfortable and confident enough to express my thoughts and ideas, no matter how insane they seem.

Last year during my internship, I worked on planning a major event that the school hosts every spring. I was in meetings with people who have started their own businesses, have established themselves in the world and have so much experience in event planning, marketing, PR, etc. Not going to lie, its intimidating. It took me a few rounds of meetings to basically break out of my shell and bring up an idea for a social media blitz. I toyed with even bringing it up but the second I did, I felt something in the room change. They could have hated the idea but I took the first step by stepping up, even as an intern. From that point on, I expressed my thoughts, ideas and opinions professionally, but freely. From that, I actually joined the conversation instead of merely being on the sidelines. Of course, not all of my ideas were winners. However I can honestly say that I learned something after every meeting, whether it was a suggestion from someone on the board or just an internal lesson.

No matter where you are or what you're doing, I dare you to be brave. Speak up. Forget your ego or insecurities or whatever else is hindering you from growing, experiencing and learning. Take that chance and get yourself in the game. Be brave, be bold.

We want to see you be braaaaave!
Have you ever had one of those crazy brave moments? How did it work out? Tweet me at @LBDPR!

Have a fabulous, fierce Monday!


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Trading Spaces

Hello, PR dolls! Today's post is about your work space. Not the most exciting thing, I know but you would be surprised how important it really is!
I'm a big believer in the vibe/atmosphere of a place. It came in handy when I was touring colleges, looking at apartments and is just as useful a skill when setting up your work space. It should be a place that you feel comfortable. After all, once you sit down to work you have way more important things to think about then readjusting.
Some basic tips I've found helpful while setting up my workspace are:

1) Your workspace should not be your bed. Ever. 
Yes, your bed is cozy and you may scroll through some emails while still bundled up in the morning. However, your bed is for sleeping, not working. Psychologically, your brain processes your bed as a place of sleep and relaxation and puts you in that mindset as soon as you get under the covers. This mindset will not be helpful if you have a full inbox and list of things to do. You should be at a desk preferably, with a chair that keeps your posture upright and keeps your brain focused on work.

2) Keep it simple.
Having too much clutter on your desk is distracting. You should decorate it with pictures, flowers, books that inspire you, etc. but make sure that everything has its own proper place. Keep it clean with regular dusting, too!

3) Add some color. 
Nobody is 100% productive and motivated all the time. However, keeping some fun pictures and accents on your work desk might help liven you up when you feel yourself flatlining.

4) Keep some helpful distractions around.
When I really need a break, I have a pick-me-up drawer with snacks, a nail file, lotion, nail polish- things like that. I especially like doing my nails during a quick break! Just make sure your little vices don't distract you too much. No Gameboys or novels.

5) Add your own personal flair!
Whether its through pictures, your favorite quotes, some statement jewelry, souvenirs from a special vacation- make your work space a reflection of you! Keep things around that not only keep you motivated, but remind you of who you are, what you want to do and what makes you happy.

And now, some inspiration:

LOVE the reflective surface.

Dallas Shaw's office- swoon.

Lauren Conrad can do no wrong.

Check out that dinosaur skeleton! 

You know, in case of emergency. ;)

I want to see your work space! What do you keep nearby while you work? Tweet me at @LBDPR!


Monday, January 6, 2014

The First Monday of 2014

Hello, PR dolls! HAPPY 2014!!! New Year's Eve is probably my favorite holiday in the year- its a time for celebration, reflection and, my personal favorite, re-invention. Duh. #PRProblems

One special tradition about New Year's Eve is setting resolutions. People set goals for themselves about all types of things such as health/lifestyle changes, love/relationships, and career dreams to name a few. These resolutions sound beautiful when said on December 31st (or tweeted/posted as a Facebook status to declare them to the world...) but I find that they usually fall to the wayside around January 15th. Not saying this happens for everyone, but it does happen to the majority of us, myself included!

This year, I've been thinking of how I can make my own resolutions really stick. For this mission, I have two steps:

1) Treat yourself as your own PR client. 
Any PR professional knows to mind their personal brand (thank you, Aliza Licht!) What you do, how you act- all of that contributes to your brand. I think its just as important to treat yourself as a new client each year. What do you do with new clients? The first meeting- the consultation.
At my initial meetings with a prospective client, I sit down with them and discuss their brand, and their goals. The goals are important because they should not be just a simple one-liner or reciting of the organization's mission statement. You should identify short-term goals as well as long term goals. This allows you to not only see the bigger picture, but the entire canvas all-together.
Now, back to New Year's. While setting your resolutions, I believe one should have their short-term goals and their long-term goals. Think about what you are saying- will that goal help you in the long-run? Why is it important for you and your brand? Should you achieve this goal (and you will!) what is the next step? I think this internal planning will not only help you set realistic and productive goals, but will also help you remember why you set the resolution in the first place when times get tough.

2) Set a theme. 
This one will either be a love-it or hate-it idea. After I've set all of my goals and resolutions, I like to set a theme for the new year. The theme incorporates all of the ideas and goals I've set for myself- its just a easier way to sum them up. It is basically the way I market the goals to myself when I need that boost. 

For this year, my theme is "The Hustle." This doesn't really have anything to do with the movie American Hustle or the disco song from the 70s, I promise. 2014 is going to be one of the most important years of my life. I'm graduating from college, probably moving somewhere completely new and really starting my life as a PR girl. I've basically dreamt of this year since I was a kid. This is when it all begins!
Of course, all of these dreams are lovely but they won't happen without hard work, complete dedication and passion. This is what I'm referring to when I say "The Hustle"- its the work, the fire, the progress.

Your theme doesn't have to make sense to anyone but yourself. If it fires you up, you've got your theme.

I would love to hear all about your resolution, goals and themes. Tweet them to me at @LBDPR!

2014, let's hustle.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

The First Impression

Hi PR Dolls! I hope you all are having a fabulous week!

Today's post is about the importance of first impressions, and some personal advice about how you can make an impact with a simple introduction.
First impressions really are important- they are what stick in some peoples' minds for the remainder of your relationship with them. I say some people because not everyone is the same, but odds are the way you present yourself initially is how you will be viewed from that point on. No pressure....

But actually, no pressure! In the field of PR where you are constantly meeting people and networking, you really need to find your groove with making a first impression- you'll be making a lot of them. Here are a few tips I've learned through making my own first introductions:

1) Make eye contact, and mind your posture.
 You would think this is a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how difficult it is! When you're speaking with someone (for the first time, or anytime) make sure you are giving them the attention they deserve by making eye contact. It shows them that you are actually listening, and makes them feel respected and that they are actually communicating with you instead of simply talking at you.  Plus, if you're talking to someone who is looking away/staring at something on your face it is actually muy awkward. I actually had a problem with this! I was listening, but something would catch my eye or I would just look away without thinking about it. I didn't realize how bad it looked until it happened to me, and let me tell you, it's not cute.
Also, pay attention to your posture. Don't slouch or tap your foot- anything that can distract from the words coming out of your mouth! You do not want to seem uncomfortable or fidgety- it will make you look nervous and unprofessional. Nobody wants to talk to someone like that, let alone possibly work with them.
Body language can help or hurt you- if you are too relaxed, you might come off as unprofessional or awkward. However if you are standing up straight, maintaining eye contact and engaged you will instantly look more confident on the outside even if you are terrified on the inside. So have your freakout, but don't let 'em see you sweat. General rule of life.

2) Actually be engaged in the conversation. For real. 
Eye contact is great, but not when your eyes are glazed over and your mind is clearly on the nearby bar/eye candy. Someone is taking the time to talk to you- treat their time with respect! Listen to what they are saying and hold a conversation. If you can't engage or contribute, make an excuse and get out of the conversation. It's better to not be there than to be a cold fish.

3) Your handshake brings all the boys to the yard. 
A handshake is another body language/confidence tool. A strong, assertive handshake shows people that you are bold and ready to take on the world. It sounds trivial, but it is true. On the other hand (haha) a weak handshake might show insecurity and discomfort. In PR, you not only have to have thick skin but you have to be able to compose yourself as a strong, confident contact.

4) Do your homework.
If you know that you'll be meeting someone important (an editor, journalist, celebrity, etc.- especially someone who you might work with) be sure to know a little bit about them! Research their work, their passions, little things- you might have something to connect with them about! Especially with social media today, you can get to know little things about people through their tweets, for example. Knowing something about them establishes a bond between you, and also makes you memorable! Kudos if you can name their favorite anything, or can make them laugh. :)

5) If at first you don't succeed....
It's important to know that not every introduction will be perfect or will lead to your intended goals, whatever they may be. Don't beat yourself over it! Just try to connect with them, and if it doesn't work out its okay- stay polite and move on. Also, don't vent to people about it at the event/any public forum. Odds are you're talking to their assistant, and not only did you not connect, but you burned that bridge. To. The. Ground.

*BONUS* If you are drunk, go home.
This is tricky because alcohol is usually provided at events, but a good PR girl knows when to stop. It is unacceptable to be drunk at an event you are working, but if you accidentally have to much, go home. Recovering from a bad first impression is one thing, but evaluating it later is only helpful if you remember it. Again, not cute.

I feel that first impressions in PR can be intimidating, but are extremely important. In this field, it is all about your social network and who you know. Hopefully these tips will help you with your first interactions and help you build your social network!

I would love to know your first impression tips- comment below or tweet me at @AyshaLBDPR!


Monday, October 14, 2013

PR Crush: Aliza Licht

I used to think it was funny when people told me about how they would meet a celebrity and get so starstruck that they literally couldn't form coherent sentences or stop shaking. I've even met Macklemore a few times and just thought that he was a normal guy doing what he loved- didn't even get an ounce of nerves. All of those calm fan thoughts came to a screeching halt last Saturday when I met the one and only Aliza Licht.

I would hope that if you're interested in PR (or fashion, or fierce women to look up to, or fellow red-lipstick aficionados) you know Aliza Licht, but here's a quick bio on her: She is the Senior Vice President of Communications at DKNY and Donna Karan in New York. She is responsible for planning the fashion shows, getting press for the clothing and accessories and dressing today's top celebrities for appearances, events, and red carpets. Sounds like a doozy, right? Well then there's the social media!
She started tweeting from the Twitter handle @DKNY back in 2009 and kept her identity a secret (xoxo, DKNYPRGirl) until deciding to "come out of the Twitter closet" in 2011. Watch her genius reveal video here. Through this account, she not only shares promotional videos and shares news about DKNY, but she also delivers her witty, sarcastic commentary on everything from difficult celebrities, hilarious television livetweets and other musings of a fashion insider. She also has a Tumblr account that she uses to share her to-do list, videos, quotes, and #showrequests (a hashtag she created to share all of the cringe-worthy emails she receives from anonymous people regarding show requests during fashion week.) She basically created the DKNYPRGirl brand for herself. Aliza works hard to create and maintain relationships with her audience through social media- I feel like she truly understands how it works and knows how to use it as a valuable PR tool.

Her majesty.
I had the opportunity to meet her through Tyson Galleria's 25th Anniversary celebration. She had an appearance scheduled there (her old stomping grounds- she went to University of Maryland!) to talk PR, life advice, her upcoming book and of course a meet-and-greet. She was just as engaging and fierce as I expected her to be. Decked out in her DKNY leopard print dress and red lipstick, she talked about her job as DKNY's PR Girl and answered questions from the audience.

Then came the meet-and-greet. Ohhhhhh man. I used to be proud of the fact that very few people actually made me nervous, but that pride is long-gone. However, as soon as I started talking to her the nerves went away! Talking to Aliza is like talking to one of your girlfriends- she maintains eye contact and has that intense look in her eyes, yet is so fun and engaged in the conversation.

Selfie! Of course.

One thing I really wanted to express to Aliza in my time with her was that I really admire her for the fact that not only did she create a whole brand for DKNYPRGirl, but she did this without having to tone down or sacrifice who she is. She is sassy and says what is on her mind, but is still extremely professional and really shows her audience who she is through each tweet. I personally have been having a love-hate with doing social media for internships because I believe interns should not be in charge of social media due to the fact that they simply haven't had enough exposure to the brand itself from an internal standpoint. That being said, its frustrating when you're trying to create a voice for your brand without fully understanding every aspect of said brand. She told me that for every tweet, something you say is going to piss somebody off, but it will inspire the others. A-freaking-men.

Aliza uses the phrase "Mind your personal brand" a lot, and if you've read some of my earlier blog posts, you'll know that I am ALL about the personal brand. She told me to know my audience, and its obvious she knows hers. She knows who she is, what she's doing, and does it all while looking fierce and being insanely confident. If you ever get the chance to see her speak, regardless of if you're doing PR or not, I HIGHLY encourage it. Its truly an amazing experience to see how she just lights up and grabs her audience. Check out her TEDx Conference talk in Times Square here!

So if you couldn't tell, I think Aliza is the bee's knees. In the few hours we had with her, I learned so much, which you'll see in upcoming posts. Being at this event completely re-invigorated my spirit and gave me the kick in the ass I needed. I highly recommend going to meet ups and events with people who inspire you- there are more benefits than you even realize! In the meantime, do yourself a favor and follow @DKNY on Twitter. You'll wonder how you ever watched Scandal or a red carpet telecast without her commentary.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

I's been a while...


Yes, I am still alive. And yes, I am a bad, bad blogger for pulling the disappearing act again! But I am back, and have tons to share with you!

For those of you who don't know, I am a senior in college. Its crazy how time flies! The thought of graduating and basically starting a new chapter of my life is terrifying, yet so exciting. I love change- I think it makes the world spinning. However, the anxiety and anticipation of change isn't my favorite feeling in the world. Which is why transitional planning starts now!

I had the chance to meet someone very special today, and I will be sharing everything I learned from her on tomorrow's post. Hint: She's a fierce PR girl who is known for her kick-ass attitude, live tweets, and red lipstick. Think you know who I'm talking about? Stay tuned to hear all the details!

I've missed you terribly, PR dolls, but I am so excited to be back on the saddle to share these transition tips with you!


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cara Delevingne, I Love You

Good morning, PR Dolls! Today's post is a bit random but I just needed to profess my love for Cara Delevingne somewhere! For those of you who are not familiar with Cara, she is an English fashion model who has been taking over the industry for quite some time. She is everywhere and models for some major designers...

Like Burberry...

And YSL....

Oh yeah, that girl. She has been everywhere since New York, Paris, and Milan fashion week last year, having walked the runway for major designers like Oscar De La Renta. Her eyebrows have become her signature and really set her apart from anyone else. You can say thick eyebrows are in style now, and no matter what anyone tries to do to get them, you simply cannot beat Cara's.

Cara in custom Burberry at the Met Ball- shut. it. DOWN. I'm pretty sure she was on everyone's best dressed list. 

She's obviously stunning and has an extremely distinctive look, but what I love most about Cara is her image with the media and her fans! She presents herself as the laid-back, cool as hell girl that you wish was your best friend. Follow her on Twitter or Instagram and instead of selfies at photoshoots or scenic pictures of whatever fabulous country she is currently modeling in, Cara is either showing off her funky street style or making some bizarre, fun face with a friend. 

What I find so interesting about her is that she has really created a solid fan base just by being her crazy, fun-loving self. I personally have not really heard of anyone being received so well not only by the public but also the fashion industry since Kate Moss. And of course the Victoria's Secret angels, but they are in their own category! Regardless, Cara is definitely the It girl of the moment.

I also think it is extremely interesting how her image has not affected any of the brands she represents. She is crazy and while the industry needs some of that spunk, I would imagine that they would also want to be represented by someone who values their vision. However, I think with Cara, designers like Burberry seem more accessible and not as stuffy as they did before. The consumer sees Cara, loves Cara, and wants the product. She also does this thing where she can be a goofball, but when she hits that runway or you see her in an advertisement, she is fierce. She has this smolder thing nailed down. So a marketable personality+killer model? Any designer's dream girl. And then there are designers like DKNY, who I feel are a perfect match because their style is like Cara- very fresh and trendy. Her DKNY campaigns are my personal favorite.

So as if you could not tell, I love me some Cara. I am so excited to see where her career leads her in the future. For now though, I'll just share some of my personal favorite pictures of her...again...
Met Ball again.

Stop. The cat.

Karl's stamp of approval- she carries a little Karl doll in her purse.

What do you think of Cara? Comment or tweet me at @LBDPR.
